Wednesday, January 1, 2014

2013 Time Capsule

So, as we forge ahead into the uncharted waters of 2014, here's a snippet of what kept me entertained during 2013.

Movie of the Year: Undoubtedly, the first movie that I saw, way back in January, which also happened to be, for me, one of the most anticipated movies ever.

The Kathryn Bigelow/Mark Boal epic "Zero Dark Thirty" detailed a decade-long hunt for Osama Bin Laden, and then, in gripping style, depicted the covert US Navy SEAL raid into Bin Laden's Abbottabad, Pakistan, where the terrorist mastermind was eventually killed. Fantastic performances by Jessica Chastain and Australia's own Jason Clarke make this a pulse-pounding film, even though you know how it turns out.

TV Show of the Year: Homeland's third season bounced back nicely after a lackluster second year. There were a bunch of episodes (and moments in episodes) that reminded me of "24", which is one of my all-time favourite shows - and I'm excited that it's coming back this year. The cliffhanger season-finale of Homeland is going to make the fourth season pretty interesting. Hopefully it doesn't slide too much because, as it's best, it's the best show on TV.

Song of the Year: Musically, I'll remember 2013 for a few friends getting me into some country music. Not a whole heap, mind you, but certainly the modern/contemporary stuff that I'd call more rock than country. I digress, and instead, present my favourite song of the year. 

Brian Kelley and Tyler Hubbard form the duo Florida Georgia Line and their debut single "Cruise" has set all sorts of records, sold millions and even inspired a mainstram crossover by way of a duet with rapper Nelly. It's a catchy song with an unforgettable chorus, rock-esque guitar hooks, and a film clip that boasts both amazing scenery and beautiful women. It's taken America by storm, and it's totally not what I'd always thought country to be.

Album of the Year: As above, the Florida Georgia Line album "Here's to the Good Times" is chock-full of rock-sounding 'country' with great party tunes and the seemingly-obligatory ballad. It's one of the few albums where I can honestly say that I didn't skip any tracks. They're all good - and every single (3 after "Cruise") has gone #1 in America. These guys are a force. Great summer partying rock! My 2014 mission is to spread the word about FGL down here in Australia.

Book of the Year: I read a heap this year, but the most interesting book I picked up was "The System: The Glory and Scandal of Big-Time College Football" by journalists Jeff Benedict, and Armen Keteyian. It was a fascinating no-holds-barred look inside a number of college football programs, lifting the lid on recruiting, NCAA compliance, investigations of players for various crimes and game-day activities for Athletic Directors and the like. I love college ball, and I lapped this up, as disturbing and crazy as some of the detail was.

Sporting Moment of the Year: My favourite sporting moment isn't something that happened on the field, but a press conference announcement. You know where I'm going with this. Buddy Franklin joining the Swans for ten years beginning in 2014 was the best football moment of the year. 

I don't think I've ever been as excited for football in December/January as I am this year. I can't wait to see what Buddy and Tippett can do in the Swans forward line this season, next season and for many years to come. The first game of the season against GWS on March 15 can't come quickly enough!!

Happy New Year!!


  1. your sporting moment of the year was atrocious! what about Adam Scott or winning the ashes?! Zero Dark Thirty was good but Anchorman 2 takes the cake for me. Album of the year.. ouch. to be fair though you only listened to country this year.

  2. I disagree. I listened to plenty more than country, but that album clicked with me at a good time. Party-happy tunes, with infectious hooks. Can't get enough. I'll remind you of your 'atrocious' comment when those guys have five or six #1 albums.
