Saturday, October 4, 2014

Chicago PD: Season 1 - Episode Fourteen - "The Docks"

Written By: Craig Gore & Tim Walsh
Directed By: Nick Gomez

The Plot: Pulpo has escaped. Belden is dead and so are two other CPD officers. Dawson survives, but is off to hospital in a critical condition and the rest of the Intelligence Unit spearhead the manhunt for Pulpo. Voight’s taking it particularly personally, vowing revenge on the gangster for killing Willhite, shooting Dawson and maybe even killing Belden.

To that end, Voight tells his squad that Pulpo, when captured, is to be delivered to him and Olinsky – no questions asked. Halstead is uncomfortable with such a request, but seems destined to comply nonetheless.

A body found in the alleyway is revealed to be one of Pulpo’s henchmen. A plan is hatched to get at Pulpo through his lawyer. Ruzek uses a CPD officer who speaks Spanish to impersonate Pulpo to the lawyer, delivering a death threat. It works, and the lawyer gives up that Pulpo needs fake IDs to make his escape, and reveals an old client can do that, and actually has.

Voight’s team get the fake names and soon Pulpo’s wife’s assumed identity. She is picked up with her son at a gas station but Pulpo isn't with them. It’s determined that she’s gone there as a diversion to through the Chicago PD off her husband’s trail. But all is not lost, because the Unit learns Pulpo is tight with some Russians, who own a nightclub in Chicago.

The Intelligence Unit raid the club and recover some computers. Otis from Chicago Fire makes an appearance to translate the Russian computers, revealing that the Russians have agreed to smuggle Pulpo out of the country in a shipping container.

That’s where Pulpo is detained. Voight and Olinsky, unbeknownst to the others, head out to the docks to kill Pulpo. Halstead realises what they’re going to do and consults with a recovering Dawson, who thinks Voight and Olinsky might be at the docks. Halstead goes there and after a tense standoff between the cops, it is agreed that Pulpo will be taken into custody and given is day in court.

During the pursuit of Pulpo, Jin turns Sumner into a scapegoat, causing her to be fired by Voight, who seems pleased to be rid of her. In Sumner’s place comes Atwater, after Voight basically tells Burgess that she didn’t get the vacant spot because she’s sleeping with Ruzek.

Elsewhere, Lindsay has to deal with her former friend Charlie in an effort to find out why he’s back in Chicago.

My Thoughts: A great episode, but surprising that they wrapped up the Pulpo arc an episode before the end.

Also surprising that Pulpo didn’t die. I mean, he’s killed cops and kidnapped the kids of cops, and Voight obviously feels very strong about that. Pulpo didn’t die, which was a surprise given who he’s killed and what he’s done. I figured he’d be sent to the bottom of Lake Michigan but somehow Halstead managed to talk Voight and Olinsky down.

Maybe it’s a turning point for those two old-school cops? It wasn’t a huge surprise to see Dawson pull through, and just as well he did, because Pulpo might’ve gone swimming with a "Chicago Necklace" around his neck, otherwise.

Voight dropped the hammer on Burgess, choosing Atwater to replace Sumner in Intelligence because he thinks – wrongly, as it turns out – that Burgess is sleeping with Ruzek. Based on that, it’s just as well that Lindsay and Halstead (who I’ve learned are called Linstead on the internet) didn’t kick things off. I feel sorry for Burgess, though. But Atwater will be heaps of fun in the Squad.

So I guess the last episode deals with Lindsay’s mysterious friend Charlie and Jin’s entanglement – willing or otherwise – with Stillwell of IA.

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