Saturday, December 26, 2015

Book Review: Star Wars: The Force Awakens by Allan Dean Foster


Loved the movie? You'll love the book. Alan Dean Foster (who also wrote the novelisation of Star Wars: A New Hope) does a great job fleshing out characters and situations. The plot, obviously, folows the screenplay, but I like the extra detail that can be included in writing which doesn't appear in filmic form. A great, fun read to follow up on the film, which was a great, fun watch!

Set thirty years following the events of Return of the Jedi, The Force Awakens sets up a new trilogy of films by introducing the Resistance (basically the Rebel Alliance of old) and their struggle against the New Order, a sinister organisation that grew out of the ashes of the Empire. Supreme Leader Snoke has a dark disciple Kylo Ren, whose familial situation, in the spirit of what has come before in the Star Wars universe, is fairly complicated.

What isn't complicated is the good versus evil struggle, pitting old favourites - Han Solo, Chewbacca, C-3PO and Princess Leia - with a new generation of great characters (I loved X-wing pilot Poe Dameron, scavenger Rey and disaffected First Order stormtrooper turned Resistance fighter Finn) to combat Snoke and Ren, who prove that the new evil in the galaxy makes the Empire of Vader, Palpatine and the Grand Moff Tarkin seem comparatively pleasant! And the Death Star, in comparison to the First Order's menacing Starkiller base, seems like a children's toy.

I liked that there was more detail on some of the more mysterious characters in the film, particularly Snoke and Kylo Ren, and also the back story of Finn's life as a First Order stormtrooper. Allan Dean Foster is a veteran of the genre, and does a good job writing this companion to the film. I loved it!

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